My goal is to set the content of the sidebar depending on what GeoJSON feature was clicked on.
For example when clicked on polygon A the content of the sidebar is: "This is A" and when clicked on polygon B the content of the sidebar is: "This is B"
my approach to the problem (SOLVED):
function for click event to select GeoJSON feature:
function onEachFeature(feature, layer) { layer.on({ mouseover: highlightFeature, mouseout: resetHighlight, click: openSidebar }); }
function to open sidebar:
function openSidebar(e) { sidebar.toggle(); if ( == "House 24") { sidebar.setContent('this is House 24'); } }
loaded GeoJSON:
var my_geojson = L.geoJson(my_geojson,{ style: myStyle, onEachFeature: onEachFeature }).addTo(map);