I'm attempting to make the full switch from ArcGIS to QGIS, but there are a few snags I'm hitting along the way, one of which is in the GDAL "Rasterize" function. My process goes like this: I have a raster which I convert to point file using SAGA "Raster values to points" which creates a point at the centroid of each pixel (with XY coordinates as attributes). I then run a function on this dbf outside of QGIS (in R). Then I want to convert the point file back into a raster. I use the GDAL "Rasterize", but this uses the points as vertices, effectively shifting the raster by half a pixel down and to the right. By comparison, ArcGIS views the point as the centroid, and using the "point to raster" returns a raster that lines up with the original. How can I tell QGIS that the point is the centroid?
I have tried the roundabout way of making a VRT, but as the pixels are shifted exactly half a pixel, the resultant raster is shifted an additional half-pixel down and to the right (so now the pixel vertices line up, but are shifted a complete pixel diagonally down and to the right).