After further testing, I've discovered that r.resamp.stats actually does NOT perform this operation correctly, at least for sums. For whatever reason, I have been unable to perform the summing rescale without a "loss" of mass between 25% and 1400%.
I've coded a solution in Python, which for the target resolution I'm working with (1 degree) executes quickly enough. As long as the source array is in double-precision float format, the "loss" is effectively zero (1e-15 % or so).
The code below can be applied to a raster which has already been loaded as a numpy array of any data type.
import numpy as np
def summingit(arrayin,areas,rowsin,colsin,rowsout,colsout,curtargr,curtargc):
firstinr = float(curtargr)*(float(rowsin)/float(rowsout))
firstinrw = 1 - firstinr + int(firstinr)
firstinr = int(firstinr)
lastinr = (float(curtargr) + 1.)*(float(rowsin)/float(rowsout))
lastinrw = lastinr - int(lastinr)
lastinr = int(lastinr)
firstinc = float(curtargc)*float((colsin)/float(colsout))
firstincw = 1 - firstinc + int(firstinc)
firstinc = int(firstinc)
lastinc = (float(curtargc) + 1.)*(float(colsin)/float(colsout))
lastincw = lastinc - int(lastinc)
lastinc = int(lastinc)
rowslength = int(lastinr - firstinr)
if lastinrw > 0.:
rowslength += 1
if rowslength == 1:
rowweights = [lastinrw + firstinrw - 1.]
rowweights = [firstinrw]
rowweights.extend(np.ones(rowslength - 2).tolist())
lastinr -= 1
if rowslength == 1:
rowweights = [firstinrw]
rowweights = [firstinrw]
rowweights.extend(np.ones(rowslength - 1).tolist())
rowinds = np.linspace(firstinr,lastinr,rowslength,dtype = 'uint32')
colslength = int(lastinc - firstinc)
if lastincw > 0.:
colslength += 1
if colslength == 1:
colweights = [lastincw + firstincw - 1.]
colweights = [firstincw]
colweights.extend(np.ones(colslength - 2).tolist())
lastinc -= 1
if colslength == 1:
colweights = [firstincw]
colweights = [firstincw]
colweights.extend(np.ones(colslength - 1).tolist())
colinds = np.linspace(firstinc,lastinc,colslength,dtype = 'uint32')
rowinds = np.array(([rowinds],)*colslength).transpose().flatten()
colinds = np.array(([colinds],)*rowslength).flatten()
weights = np.outer(rowweights,colweights).flatten()
return np.sum(arrayin[rowinds,colinds]*areaweights*weights)
curarray = np.array(curarray,dtype='float64')
rowinds = np.array([range(0,180),]*360).transpose().flatten()
colinds = np.array([range(0,360),]*180).flatten()
newarraytest = map(lambda rows,cols: summingit(curarray,2160,4320,180,360,rows,cols),rowinds,colinds)
newarraytest = np.reshape(newarraytest,(180,360))
In current form the routine will only work for scaling DOWN (i.e., the same operation that r.resamp.stats is supposed to do), though the base function "summingit" could easily be rolled into a different routine that scales UP.
Hope this may be helpful to someone in the future!