I have a problem with my geojson layers. When I lunch my site they are all switched on, but I don't want to. Is there any solution to have lunched only one layer when my site starts, not the all one? Here is the simple example what I want https://jsfiddle.net/expedio/dtLyvffg/

And this is the code with my layers:

var controlLayers = L.control.layers().addTo(map);

$.getJSON("data/Zabudowa.geoJSON", function(geojson) {
  var geojsonLayer = L.geoJson(geojson, {
    style: function(feature) {
      return {
        'weight': 0,
        'fillColor': 'brown',
        'fillOpacity': 1
    onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
      var popupText = "Numer obiektu: " + feature.properties.OBJECTID + "<br>Sposob uzytkowania: " + feature.properties.type + "<br><a href='" + feature.properties.url + "'>More info</a>";
  controlLayers.addOverlay(geojsonLayer, 'Zabudowa');

controlLayers.addOverlay(geojsonLayer, 'Drogi');

var myIcon = L.Icon.extend({
  iconUrl: 'icons/cemetery-24.png'

$.getJSON("data/miejsca_pamieci.geoJSON", function(geojson) {
  var geojsonLayer = L.geoJson(geojson, {
    pointToLayer: function(feature, latLng) {
      return new L.Marker(latLng, {
        icon: new myIcon({
          iconUrl: 'icons/cemetery-24.png',
          iconSize: [24, 24],
          iconAnchor: [12, 24],
          popupAnchor: [0, -24]
    onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
      layer.bindPopup("Opis: " + feature.properties.Opis)
  controlLayers.addOverlay(geojsonLayer, 'Miejsca_pamieci');

var myIcon = L.Icon.extend({
  iconUrl: 'icons/accessdenied.png'


$.getJSON("data/Fotografie.geoJSON", function(geojson) {
  var geojsonLayer = L.geoJson(geojson, {
    pointToLayer: function(feature, latLng) {
      return new L.Marker(latLng, {
        icon: new myIcon({
          iconUrl: 'icons/accessdenied.png',
          iconSize: [32, 37],
          iconAnchor: [16, 37],
          popupAnchor: [0, -37]
    onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
      layer.bindPopup(feature.properties.Name, {
        maxWidth: "auto"
  controlLayers.addOverlay(geojsonLayer, 'Fotografie');

1 Answer 1


Simply do not add your layers to the map (remove the .addTo(map) after your L.geoJson() factories), but only to your controlLayers Layers Control.

  • Thanks! It was so simple that I couldn't even imagine. It's becouse I'm green in javascripts and all the stuff but I'm learning every day something new.
    – bass
    Commented Aug 21, 2016 at 18:42

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