I have a table with 1000 points where the latlng coords are in GCS_North_American_1983. I transformed/changed/set the SRID/coordinate system to 2252 (state plane feet of central michigan) with the below queries.
SELECT ST_SetSRID(geom,2252) from drugpoints;
SELECT UpdateGeometrySRID('drugpoints','geom',2252);
ALTER TABLE drugpoints
TYPE Geometry(point, 2252)
USING ST_Transform(geom,2252);
Update drugpoints set geom= st_transform(geom,2252);
select ST_AsEWKT(geom) from drugpoints;
I am attempting to buffer all these points using the st_buffer with a 1000 foot buffers. when I perform the below query and bring it into QGIS it gives me one enormous circle around all of the points(with 1000 records)
select *, st_buffer(geom, 1000) into drugs2 from drugpoints;
when I pull it into QGIS it looks like this
when I run the buffer tool on the drugpoints in arcgis with the coordinate system of 2252 it correctly buffers each point with a 1000 foot buffers
*running it postgres
My question: why does the drugpoints shapefile lose the coordinate system units of 2252 (which I clearly set/defined/transformed...) when I use the st_buffer function on it? Am I missing a coordinate system query within the buffer query?