So i've got some shapefiles imported into my Sql Server 2008 Database. A number of these boundaries need to get 'cleaned up'. As such I need to do the following :-
- Export them from Sql Server 2008. sigh
- Import them as a layer into some editing program
- Overlay this layer, over a world maps .. like OpenStreet Maps, etc.
- Edit the polygon(s). Eg. cut one boundary into two .. while following a road that defines the boundary between the two.
- Export these new cleaned boundaries to files.
- Import these boundaries back into Sql Server 2008.
I have absolutely no idea how to do this.
Are the programs out there that can do this?
The only thing I found was using ogr2ogr
to export my boundary (from Sql Server 2008) to .shp/.shx/..dbf
If we need to purchase a product, then (assuming it's not a HUGE $$$ amount) we can do that do.
If i need to export the data into another type of database, I can setup a another database.
I've spent all day trying to play with MapWindow 6 and QGIS but I'm having no luck at all :(
Can anyone make any suggestions, please?
Maybe you can describe exactly what does not work for you if you try to achieve your goals in QGIS
Sure :)
Firstly, I can add an overlay of the shape file. TICK.
Next i can't get a world map to overlay. No idea how to do that :( It's like I would love google maps to be underneath my first layer.
Lastly, I have no idea how to cut the shape into two pieces. (and of course, I would be following a road or roads, to define the boundary-split.
This is the type of clean ups I need.
Oh.. I would also love to CREATE a new boundary, by just dropping lat/long points over a map and the closing the poly.
All these things need to be exported to shape files or WKT (that would be better :P) so i can import it back into Sql Server 2008.