I'm currently analyzing MODIS EVI time series (MOD13Q1) for a small region between 2000 and 2015. Now, I would like to fill missing values using the new R package gapfill
What I have done so far:
- Downloaded and pre-processed data using R
package. This gave me 377 GeoTiff-files that are namedMOD13Q1.A2000081.250m_16_days_EVI.tif
and so on. - Used the QA layers from MOD13Q1 to remove pixels with clouds.
As a result, I now have 377 GeoTiffs with NA
values for clouds:
> stack(evi_without_clouds_file_paths)
class : RasterStack
dimensions : 121, 122, 14762, 377 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
resolution : 257.2911, 257.3028 (x, y)
extent : 448840.3, 480229.9, 7766995, 7798129 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : +proj=utm +zone=38 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
names : MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, MOD13Q1.A//6_days_EVI, ...
min values : -1195, -846, -220, -185, -321, -344, -128, -159, -309, 99, -281, -268, -200, 218, -290, ...
max values : 9205, 9902, 8466, 7933, 7696, 6700, 7019, 6825, 5578, 5163, 4934, 5028, 4561, 5691, 4262, ...
However, the input data for gapfill
has to be in the following format: "Numeric array with four dimensions. [...]. the data should have the dimensions: x coordinate, y coordinate, seasonal index (e.g., day of the year), and year."
I'm familiar with the raster
package, but I have no experience whatsoever working with multidimensional arrays. As a result, I spent the whole day trying to convert my data, but had no success so far. So my questions would be:
- How to convert raster stacks to 4-dimensional named arrays?
- How to convert 4-dimensional named arrays back to either a
with 377 layers or 377 single GeoTiff files after having gaps filled withgapfill
I apologize for not being able to provide sample data. I tried to simulate similar data, but didn't manage to do so.
I know that it is difficult to answer the question without sample data, but I would also be very happy about some pointers to the right direction.
Here is the closest I have gotten so far:
evi.stack <- stack(evi_without_clouds_file_paths)
x <- as.data.frame(evi.stack, xy = TRUE)
x <- gather(x, key = "scene", "value", -x, -y)
x$scene <- extract.id(x$scene)
x$day.of.year <- as.numeric(str_sub(x$scene, 6, 8))
x$year <- str_sub(x$scene, 2, 5)
evi.dim.long <- unique(x$x)
evi.dim.lat <- unique(x$y)
evi.dim.day.of.year <- unique(x$day.of.year)
evi.dim.year <- unique(x$year)
x.vec <- x$value
dim(x.vec) <- c(length(evi.dim.long),
dimnames(x.vec) <- list(evi.dim.long,
If I only import data from a single year, this seems to kind of work (although the resulting image was "upside down"). I was able to fill gaps with Gapfill
, but then had no idea how to convert data back to a format that could be further processed with the raster
If I try to import data from more than one year, the dim
command fails.