I have a project that I work on in QGIS (desktop), for which my project file and shapefiles / layers are all saved in my 'Dropbox' folders.

I would like to be able to open, view and preferably edit the above project in QField on my Android phone when out and about.

I have the Project file and shapefiles / layers visible in my Dropbox App, but the QField App seems unable to integrate with / see my Dropbox folders from which to open up the project.

Perhaps this question should be directed at Developers, or self built... (which I can't do) any suggestions?

1 Answer 1


As long as the project is portable this should work. We have tested btsync/resilio which is conceptually comparable to dropbox and did not experience any troubles.

In order to edit files they need to be at a location which is writable for the app. This is mostly the case unless on sdcard, which is also documented on the same page.

  • 1
    make my day this tip!
    – hugonbg
    Commented Jul 5, 2019 at 14:41

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