You have three problems with your statement though the error message is hinting only at part of it... "WHERE must be type boolean" means that the information you gave the WHERE is not evaluating to a boolean result.
ST_MakeEnvelope asks for its parameters in this order: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, srid
You incorrectly passed in ymax, ymin, xmax, xmin, srid
WHERE must evaluate to boolean:
To determine if a geometry and the envelope has any elements in common the WHERE should be constructed like so: WHERE geom && envelope_geom
otherwise you can use ST_Contains
To determine if the geometry is contained within the envelope: `WHERE ST_Contains(envelope_geom,geom)
You didn't supply any method of comparison for the WHERE
Table 'planet_osm_ways' does not contain any geometry column, though 'planet_osm_roads' does contain a geometry column named 'way'.
You can create a geometry column in table 'planet_osm_ways' from the related and planet_osm_nodes.lon.
Using 'planet_osm_roads', this shows how to use a bounding box against a table with a geometry column:
FROM planet_osm_roads
WHERE planet_osm_roads.way && ST_Transform(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-122.271189, 37.804339, -122.275244, 37.808264,
or change it to this:
FROM planet_osm_roads
WHERE ST_Contains(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-122.271189, 37.804339, -122.275244, 37.808264,