I have a Python script that is working fine from Processing->Toolbox->User Scripts. However, I have put some user defined functions in "my_functions.py" that I can call from "Timing_Advance.py".
The problem is, when I edit the functions in "my_functions.py" in the QGIS script editor, I have to restart QGIS for the changes to take effect. This is perhaps because, when I restart QGIS, it makes a "my_fucntions.pyc" file and keeps it in the same location. The .pyc file is not update when I edit the user defined functions in "my_functions.py".
How can I update the my_functions.pyc file after editing, without having to restart QGIS?
UPDATE 24th Jan 2017 Looks like including the following lines isn't making any difference either
import sys
import py_compile
import my_functions
If I add some dummy lines like a "print" and re-run the script, the print doesn't give the desired output, till I re-start QGIS