I have a FCC database of antennas and a map view having a bounds. I want to display all antennas within the view, but antennas a stones throw away are duplicates or noise. In the example below, rows 2 and 3 are so close its a dupe (Technically it isn't a dupe, but it is noise.). How can I do a SELECT and filter out antennas that are close (x meters) from each other?
SELECT distinct st_astext(geom), ST_Distance(loc.geom::geography, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-115.62309833 35.97311)', 4326)::geography) / 1609.344 as miles
FROM fcc_loc as loc join fcc_en as en on loc.call_sign = en.call_sign
WHERE en.entity_name LIKE '%bubbah%' AND ST_Within(geom, ST_MakeEnvelope(-115.29356182624997,36.13963970370481,-115.95274151374997,35.80622156767141,4326));
st_astext | miles
POINT(-115.49475 35.8928055555556) | 9.08012915615928
POINT(-115.616388888889 35.8094444444444) | 11.2902759331815
POINT(-115.616388888889 35.8094722222222) | 11.2883618698737
POINT(-115.826805555556 36.1227222222222) | 15.378520803433
(4 rows)