Is there any way to represent a polygon geometry that contains a curve accurately in Leaflet (from WKT)? GeoJSON conversion from WKT is insufficient as it digitizes the points of a curve out to an approximation, it's necessary that curves be preserved as their mathematical representation (read:look circular/curved and not like a series of shortly connected lines at lower zoom levels).
I've checked out arc.js and leaflet-omnivore to start with, but my current thinking is that I would have to parse a WKT string into an SVG element and use either the D3 or RaphaelLayer plugins to properly render the layer while preserving curves. I also have performance concerns going the SVG route because I may have many polygons (hundreds to tens of thousands) to render in any given view.
I did find this old question and have looked into the Leaflet.curve and Leaflet.Arc plugins but I don't think either of them could really apply to what I need (I'm also stuck with Leaflet 0.7x for maintainability reasons which eliminates a lot of plugins).
Anyone else have experience with this or a similar problem and have any suggestions or advice on balancing performance/accuracy of the curves?