I have written a script that checks populated (or empty) values off of coded value and range domains. It works well with the range domains. It finds empty fields as well as values that are out of range for that field. It also works well when there are values in TEXT fields that don't conform to the accepted domain codes. However, it does not find NULL (None or "") values in TEXT fields.
Here's the code.
if ftype in txtList: ##Start coded value domain checks
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(tbl,['UID',fname,'QAQC_FLAG']) as cur:
listValues = []
for row in cur:
uid = row[0]
fieldValue = row[1]
if fieldValue == None or fieldValue == "":
insRow = ["VNULL",fname,"","Value not populated with incoming data",uid]
msg = "Added row {0} to {1}.".format(insRow,qaTbl)
I can't figure out why it won't identify empty fields in the table. Some of these fields have ALL empty values and the script isn't identifying them.