I have a field, "Access" that I want to populate with 4 variables based on the attribute of another field, "Des_Tp".For example, if a feature has "Des_Tp" = 'NP', then I would want to code it as open access, 'OA' in the field "Access".
I've put the lists in a dictionary, but the code runs without any change in the data:
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
inFeatures = r"C:\Users\A\AccessTest.gdb\Access_test"
destp_dict ={1:("NP","NM","NCA","NF","NG","PUB","NT","WSR","NRA","NLS","IRA","ACEC","REC","RMA","ACC","OCS","SP","SREC","SLHCA","SRMA","LP","LREC","LHCA","LRMA"),
fields = ['Des_Tp', 'Access']
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer(inFeatures, "TEMP_LYR")
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor ("TEMP_LYR", fields) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[0] == destp_dict[1]:
row[1] = "OA"
if row[0] == destp_dict[2]:
row[1] = "RA"
if row[0] == destp_dict[3]:
row[1] = "UK"
if row[0] == destp_dict[4]:
row[1] = "XA"
has only 8 entries, so it's erroring out on the 9th iteration.dm
that is not defined in either code snippet.