Given a series of overlapping lines (MultiLineString) in Geojson how can I create polygons for those portions that form an enclosed a space?
Sample data -
Operational environment is web browser and/or a server with Node.js. Desktop tools such as ArcGIS and QGIS are not available. Connection to a remote service API is acceptable but prefer to avoid. (Following principle of minimizing external dependencies.)
This is my first significant foray into javascript-land, some hand-holding may be needed. ;-)
What hasn't worked
Seeing OGR DXF Closed Polyline Conversion I tried to filter the geojson through DXF to shapefile polygons using command line ogr2ogr (v2.2.0). Thinking if I could get it to work there I could replicate in node-gdal. A polygon shapefile is created but it has no features. -skipfailures
didn't help.