I’m trying to import OpenStreetMap (OSM) data into postGIS it doesn’t appear to be working in that features do not appear to be in the correct place..
Using the QGIS OSM add in and a coastal shape file imported into PostGIS setting the SRS to 4326 on import (all my data uses WGS84 Longitude & Latitude) the two data sets are in the same space.
Importing the OSM data set into postgis with the following code & adding it as a QGIS layer I would expect lines points etc of the OSM file & PostGIS layers to be adjacent if not on top of each other but they are not, I can’t actually see the coastal shapefile & the OSM PostGIS layer together without turning one layer off and selecting zoom to layer on the other.
BTW I have attempted to use the -E 4326 switch with out -m but it failed So what am I doing wrong?
createDB osm
createlang plpgsql osm –U username
psql –U username –d osm -f /path/to/postgis1.5/postgis.sql
psql –U username –d osm -f /path/to/postgis1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql
psql –U username –d osm -f /path/to/osm2pgsql/900913.sql
osm2pgsql –S /path/to/osm2pgsql/default.style –U username –d osm -l –c –m /path/to/ cambridgeshire.osm.bz2
I then tried following the instructions on http://spatialmounty.blogspot.co.uk/2010/12/transform-osm-data-in-postgis-to-wgs84.html to re-project the data to WGS84 Long Lat it failed at The first line with invalid SRID
SELECT AddGeometryColumn( 'planet_osm_line', 'geom_wgs84', 4326, 'LINESTRING', 2);
My database has the following tables
Geography_columns view
Geometry_columns table
Planet_osm_line table
Planet_osm_point table
Planet_osm_polygon table
Planet_osm_roads table
Spatial_ref_sys table
Can somebody give me the steps / syntax i need to follow to accurately import OSM data into PostGIS so that it uses ESPG:4326?
Any one know of any ground truth data I can use to test the process?