The code below should work for you... you'll change the values in the first 4 lines as needed... (Note though that this script assumes that all the fields specified are text fields, and does not do error checking for things like making sure the "toField" is big enough to hold the concatenated value...)
import arcpy
# Change these values as needed
layerOfIntersectedFeatures = "E:/Temporary Files/My_Layer.shp"
evalField = "BROJ_UP"
fromField = "NAM1"
toField = "NAM"
separator = ", "
print("Make a FeatureLayer for the Intersected Features")
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(layerOfIntersectedFeatures, "lyr_IntersectedFeatures")
print("Create a list and store all the unique values from the {0} field".format(evalField))
listOfEvaluatedValues= []
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("lyr_IntersectedFeatures")
for row in rows:
if row.getValue(evalField) not in listOfEvaluatedValues:
print("Loop through each value, and choose records that match that value")
for myValue in listOfEvaluatedValues:
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("lyr_IntersectedFeatures", "lyr_" + myValue, "\"{0}\" = '{1}'".format(evalField, myValue))
listOfRowValues = []
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("lyr_" + myValue)
for row in rows:
listOfRowValues.append(row.getValue(fromField)) # use this to get all values, even duplicate ones
#if row.getValue(fromField) not in listOfRowValues: listOfRowValues.append(row.getValue(fromField)) # use this instead if you only want unique values
print("Build the concatenated string and put it in the {0} field".format(toField))
concateRowValues = separator.join(listOfRowValues)
arcpy.CalculateField_management("lyr_" + myValue, toField, "'{0}'".format(concateRowValues), "PYTHON_9.3", "")
print("Delete Identical Rows")
arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management("lyr_IntersectedFeatures", evalField, "", "0")
on your data, using a SQL query for your values in "BROJ_UP" and iterate through them using anarcpy.da.UpdateCursor()
to populate your field. If you want to use python for it, you cannot expect people to write the code for you. You should at least provide something to start with.