I need to add a label to marker from bottom. But there are no any value to add for direction option in bindLabel method.

 var marker = L.marker([ latitude, longitude ], {
         icon : iconInfo,
         iconAnchor: [10, 10],
         labelAnchor: [6, 0]
     }).bindLabel(displayingText, {
         direction: 'right',
         noHide : true

It only have right|left|auto options only. How can I achieve this with leaflet marker ?

2 Answers 2


The method bindLabel from the plugin Leaflet.label is deprecated but its functionality was included in Leaflet core from version 1.0 using tooltip.

This should work within your code:

var marker = L.marker([ latitude, longitude ], {
         icon : iconInfo,
         iconAnchor: [10, 10],
         labelAnchor: [6, 0]
     }).bindTooltip(displayingText, {
         direction: 'bottom',
         permanent : true

I think you can use the offset option of leaflet.Label

offset: Position offset from the marker icon's labelAnchor

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