I have the table "events" with column "point" that contains geometries (points). And I need to fill a raster (already created in table "rasters") using this set of points.
For simplicity BandPixelType is 1BB, default pixel value is 0, and I want it to be 1, if pixel contains at least one point from my table. Raster and geometries have the same SRID (4326).
So, I need something like:
UPDATE rasters SET rast = ST_SetValue(rast, 1, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(lon, lat), 4326), 1)
but executed with a dataset:
SELECT point FROM events WHERE ...condition...
How many points?– Evan CarrollCommented Aug 21, 2017 at 15:36
Hundreds of thousands. At some point - might be millions.– NikSCommented Aug 22, 2017 at 6:38
3 Answers
I think what you want is ST_SetValues
which takes an array of geomval
raster ST_SetValues(raster rast, integer nband, geomval[] geomvalset, boolean keepnodata=FALSE);
For Variant 5, an array of geomval is used to determine the specific pixels to be set. If all the geometries in the array are of type POINT or MULTIPOINT, the function uses a shortcut where the longitude and latitude of each point is used to set a pixel directly. Otherwise, the geometries are converted to rasters and then iterated through in one pass. See example Variant 5.
Emphasis added by me. see the docs for an example. Should look like this...
UPDATE rasters
SET rast = ST_SetValues(
1, -- nband
SELECT (point,1)::geomval
FROM events
WHERE ...condition
This may also work..
UPDATE rasters
SET rast = ST_SetValues(
1, -- nband
SELECT (ST_Collect(point),1)::geomval
FROM events
WHERE ...condition
Not sure which will be faster.
A more elegant way is to compose the array by using array_agg
UPDATE rasters
SET rast = ST_SetValues(
1, -- nband
array_agg((e.point, e.value)::geomval)
FROM events e
WHERE ...condition;
This way you can also define the values based on events
records and even JOIN
table and events
table by some criteria.
Thank you @evan-carroll for your answer, it helped me quite a bit.
I just want to post this here in case somebody has the same problem as me.
If you want to create a new raster, using an existing raster as reference, and populate it with geo-referenced data from a table, you can proceed as such:
create view new_data_raster as
--- set values
--- add a band
--- create empty raster with existing raster as reference
--- set default values to 99
1, '8BUI', 99, 99
--- select band 1
--- fill values where needed
SELECT (d.geom, d.value)::geomval
FROM data d
where ... --- optional
) as rast
from reference_raster r