I have a Geoserver running with multiple accounts (secured via Geofence). Each account has access to a certain workspace. In Qgis I am able to add data from any account using the WMS service.
The problem arises with Arcgis, where I can make a connection to Geoserver but the layers are not added. Using Wireshark to check the outgoing request I've noticed that ArcGIS does not include a basic authentication header, and is therefore unable to show the layers.
- My Geoserver service security rules are: Rule Path: * . * , Roles: *
- Role(s) are associated with the required user and those Roles are linked with the correct workspace/layers in Data Security.
What I've already tried is adding username and password in the URL like: http://user:[email protected]/geoserver/wms?
, with no succes.
How can I add a secured WMS layer through ArcGIS? Or how can I force ArcGIS to include a basic authentication header in the request?