I need to mosaic about 550Gb of tif imagery together and the software I have tried keeps failing. The area has been split into zones so that the smallest has approx 200 tiles.
I have used the latest versions of ERDAS (Imagine and Mapper), ArcINFO and Global Mapper on a 3.30 gigahertz Intel Xeon E31245, DELL, 16GB RAM, 64-bit Win 7 Professional. Mullti-core (4 total), Hyper-threaded (8 total) machine. My C has 700GB free and D has 1.5TB.
I am looking into using Grass (never have before) but i.image.mosaic only seems to only handle 4 files...some of mine have 600 tiles. Any other options or opensource software to try?
Sorry should add that we can't use a mosaic dataset (or equivalent in other software) as we need to create zones with defined no-data areas as ecw's so that they can be opened in any GIS software and combined with lower resolution/older data when new data doesn't exist seamlessly.
An example of how some mosaiced files look in different sofware. Global Mapper/ERDAS are fine but it's not correct in arcgis.
Sorry for the rough drawing. So having the colored areas as 5 zones will minimize the no data areas in the larger AOI.
In arcgis the code is as follows (this is run as a model and not in python as I can't get it to take the tifList input).
arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management(tifList+";" +mask,RootOutput,"Tile1.tif","PROJCS['GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_55',GEOGCS['GCS_GDA_1994',DATUM['D_GDA_1994',SPHEROID['GRS_1980',6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION['Transverse_Mercator'],PARAMETER['False_Easting',500000.0],PARAMETER['False_Northing',10000000.0],PARAMETER['Central_Meridian',147.0],PARAMETER['Scale_Factor',0.9996],PARAMETER['Latitude_Of_Origin',0.0],UNIT['Meter',1.0]]","16_BIT_UNSIGNED","0.5","3","MAXIMUM","#")
# Replace a layer/table view name with a path to a dataset (which can be a layer file) or create the layer/table view within the script
# The following inputs are layers or table views: "test2"
where tifList should be read in from a csv file but this didn't work in python so I am running the above in a model instead...
I have 1.5TB+ free space on my drive but the process crashes with a 9999 error.
Would even 100 tiles process? -i.e should we look at breaking the zones up further?