I need to achieve exactly what the below script written by Jacob (found here) does, with the addition that I only want to count the points if column B in the point layers attribute field is greater then zero.
Since I'm a rookie with Python I can't figure out how to re-write the code to do that!?
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
from qgis.utils import iface
@qgsfunction(args="auto", group='Custom')
def countPointsInCurrentAltlasFeature(pointLayerName, geomAtlas, feature, parent):
# If point geom is empty, return 0
if (geomAtlas is None):
return 0
# Get point layer reference from layername
pointLayer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName(pointLayerName)[0]
# Raise if layer not found
if pointLayer is None:
raise Exception("Layer not found: " + pointLayerName)
# Count point within current Atlas feature
countPoint = 0
for pointFeature in pointLayer.getFeatures():
pointGeom = pointFeature.geometry()
if (pointGeom is None):
if pointGeom.within(geomAtlas):
countPoint += 1
return countPoint
I've tried to change the last countPoint += 1
to IF column "B" > 0 THEN countPoint += 1
but the script wont run and the error doesn't provide any guidance.