I have received some GIS files, in .mdb format. Is it possible to project this .mdb file onto my map; say by converting it into a shapefile etc?

In MapInfo Professional, I could open this .mdb file but I don't know if I could translate it to another format.


2 Answers 2



Tools > Universal Translator > Universal Translator

if not save your file as .tab file then use ut.

i hope it helps you...

  • Hello there~ 1) in universal translator, there is no '.mdb' to '.shp' option. 2) So i went to Mapping Wizard Tool, run mapping wizard, data, open .mdb. This process generated a .tab file. 3) If i were to open this .tab file in Mapinfo, it is like an 'excel sheet'. So i went back to Universal translator, to change .tab to .shp, & got error. 4) I am not familiar with .mdb file. When i double click it open, it opens in an excel sheet format. Are they georeferenced? 5) My .mdb file source is from here: euromedaviation.org/386.0.html?&L=1%20target%3D Thank you!!
    – Anna
    Commented Jun 4, 2012 at 10:02
  • .mdb is microsoft database file. By default will be read by Microsoft Access. In your case, this is personal database used by ESRI. Your information is stored in this database as Feature Classes, which are equivalent to .shp file. So if you want to use it in ESRI world, you do not need to convert it (just open from ArcMap or Catalog). If you want to extract this data to use in other application you do it easly with ESRI products or open source OGR drivers.
    – Tomek
    Commented Jun 4, 2012 at 11:17
  • So happy!!! downloaded a trial copy of esri & used Catalog to convert it.. thank youuu Tomek & Aragon :)
    – Anna
    Commented Jun 4, 2012 at 13:29
  • Will this work as conversion of mdb to shape files?
    – prem30488
    Commented Mar 16, 2015 at 7:33

As @Tomek has suggested you can use ogr library using ogr2ogr, see example below:

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" output_dir mydatabase.mdb

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