I have a collection of all administrative boundaries (level 8) in a country. I am interested in playing with the shapes of these towns and cities using Python (shapely, osmnx). But I would like to consider only "inhabited" or "built" parts of the towns. Specifically, I would like to extract the polygon of the grey (but dark and light areas from the administrative polygon (purple dotted line) in overpass. Town Grey Areas

So far I have tried the buildings API without luck. Is there a specific name for this layer? Once I figure out how to extract this layer I could follow a post like How to Intersect between a vector (administrative areas) and a raster layer (slope)? to obtain the intersection, though I am also happy to hear if someone knows of a slick way to to do this all via Python.

1 Answer 1


Is there a specific name for this layer?

The "grey" areas you are referring to are tipically tagged as landuse=residential. You might also be interested in landuse=commercial and landuse=industrial.

Please note that OSM does not really have a tag for "built-up" areas/features.

I suggest you download a OSM dataset for landuse, and try making some intersections between the administrative polygons and their land uses.

  • thank you! Do you think this is possible with an overpass query like this (plus filtering for the specific landuses you mention)?: [out:json][timeout:25]; // gather results ( // query part for: “"land use"” area[name="Hungary"]; way["landuse"]({{bbox}}); relation["landuse"]({{bbox}}); ); // print results out body; >; out skel qt; Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 9:39

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