I need to restrict access to WFS services on admins only, so in the Services Access Rules list I add the following rule


Then I logged in as an ADMIN, and try to excute one of the WFS requests from the demos, but the request return asking me for login credentials. I tried login with the root user, the same problem happens !!

Here are my security configurations:


    <filters name="web" class="org.geoserver.security.HtmlLoginFilterChain" interceptorName="interceptor" exceptionTranslationName="exception" path="/web/**,/gwc/rest/web/**,/,/wcs*,/wfs*" disabled="false" allowSessionCreation="true" ssl="false" matchHTTPMethod="false">
    <filters name="webLogin" class="org.geoserver.security.ConstantFilterChain" path="/j_spring_security_check,/j_spring_security_check/" disabled="false" allowSessionCreation="true" ssl="false" matchHTTPMethod="false">
    <filters name="webLogout" class="org.geoserver.security.LogoutFilterChain" path="/j_spring_security_logout,/j_spring_security_logout/" disabled="false" allowSessionCreation="false" ssl="false" matchHTTPMethod="false">
    <filters name="rest" class="org.geoserver.security.ServiceLoginFilterChain" interceptorName="restInterceptor" exceptionTranslationName="exception" path="/rest/**" disabled="false" allowSessionCreation="false" ssl="false" matchHTTPMethod="false">
    <filters name="gwc" class="org.geoserver.security.ServiceLoginFilterChain" interceptorName="restInterceptor" exceptionTranslationName="exception" path="/gwc/rest/**" disabled="false" allowSessionCreation="false" ssl="false" matchHTTPMethod="false">
    <filters name="default" class="org.geoserver.security.ServiceLoginFilterChain" interceptorName="interceptor" exceptionTranslationName="exception" path="/**" disabled="false" allowSessionCreation="false" ssl="false" matchHTTPMethod="false">




  • currently, I think the demos page always asks for a login - try with CURL or other program to test access constraints
    – Ian Turton
    Commented Jan 29, 2018 at 13:20
  • Thank you very much Ian, the problem was as you mentioned from the demos page.
    – Faz B
    Commented Jan 29, 2018 at 13:31

1 Answer 1


The demos page (at least in recent versions) always asks for a login. If you want to get a clear view of permissions you should use CURL or another program to test it.

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