SRTM3 .hgt files have 1201*1201 DEM elevation data, I extract .hgt files data elevation into file Elevation.json with index.js with the help from this GitHub project.
Then I rename Elevation.json into Elevation.txt, replacing all ],[ from inside the converted .hgt file in json array into ]^l[ with MS Word to get each row from json at new line.
Finally, I import this .txt file into .xlsx file with "comma" as separating delimiter.
I expect as final result in Excel, just 2101 rows and 2101 columns.
Why is there an error always at these cells?
I shortcuted the first and the last 3 columns and the first and the last 2 rows to show you the result
Note: blank cells = no found data.
I tried different .hgt file from world wide, the problem still exist.