I have been creating some web-map applications using GoogleMaps Javascript API v3.
I've been bringing in tiles from ArcGIS servers which is really easy using the API.
The code below loads a sample dataset from ArcGIS.com.
var url = 'http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer';
var agsType = new gmaps.ags.MapType(url,{name:'ArcGIS'});
map.mapTypes.set('arcgis', agsType);
I have some clients that already have a public ArcGIS server online and in place. When I ask them for the MapServer URL, they don't know where to find it or how to generate it for their datasets.
I don't know anything about ArcGIS server and have not been able to find the appropriate info in ESRI help docs.
Could someone point me to some info about generating an appropriate MapServer URL that I could then pass onto my clients?