I'm trying to start plotting maps in python with matplotlib's basemap, but every shapefile I've tried to far seems to have coordinates in metres instead of lat/lon, so I get the following error from readshapefile
ValueError: shapefile must have lat/lon vertices - it looks like this one has vertices in map projection coordinates.
Here's output from fiona
about the shapefile I'm using:
shape = fiona.open('./data/ESRI/London_Ward.shp')
bounds = shape.bounds
: {'proj': 'tmerc', 'lat_0': 49, 'lon_0': -2, 'k': 0.999601272, 'x_0': 400000, 'y_0': -100000, 'datum': 'OSGB36', 'units': 'm', 'no_defs': True}
: (503568.2, 155850.8, 561957.5, 200933.9)
is the only conversion tool I've managed to install so far, is it possible to use it to make the necessary conversion?