I am using the following gdal shell command (gdaltindex) to create a raster tile index from a directory of raster (tif) files.

find /path/to/raster/directory -name "*.tif" -exec gdaltindex tile-index.shp {} \;

Is there an open source Python approach that can produce the same raster tile index shapefile?

2 Answers 2


I dont't know, but it's easy to do with osgeo.gdal, GeoPandas and shapely box ( shapely.geometry.box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, ccw=True) = bounding box)¶

Original raster files

import os 
StartDir = "/Shared/scan_ign/68"    
for dir, subdir, files in os.walk(StartDir):
    for fname in files:
       if fname.endswith(".tif"):


With gdalindex

gdaltindex index.shp *.tif


import geopandas as gpd
index =  gpd.read_file('index.shp')
print index.head()
    location                geometry
0  68_1.tif  POLYGON ((226018.4754020752 58174.93482261647,...
1  68_2.tif  POLYGON ((234019.0396324735 58174.8250049785, ...
2  68_3.tif  POLYGON ((242020.0156871924 58175.55617328714,...
3  68_4.tif  POLYGON ((250020.4746237129 58176.34366682862,...
4  68_5.tif  POLYGON ((226019.5264973617 48175.2918232924, ...

With osgeo.gdal

from osgeo import gdal
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import box
# compute the bounding box of a gdal raster file
def bounds_raster(path):
    raster = gdal.Open(path) 
    ulx, xres, xskew, uly, yskew, yres  = raster.GetGeoTransform()
    lrx = ulx + (raster.RasterXSize * xres) 
    lry = uly + (raster.RasterYSize * yres)
    return box(lrx,lry,ulx,uly) 
# creation of the index file
 df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(columns=['location','geometry'])
 # iterate through multiple tif files in a folder
 for dir, subdir, files in os.walk(StartDir):
     for fname in files:
         if fname.endswith(".tif"):
              df = df.append({'location':fname, 'geometry': bounds( os.path.join(dir+"/", fname))},ignore_index=True)
 print df.head()
      location                  geometry
 0  68_1.tif  POLYGON ((226018.4754020752 48173.94230128427,...
 1  68_2.tif  POLYGON ((234019.0396324735 48173.84503544428,...
 2  68_3.tif  POLYGON ((242020.0156871924 48174.31088528392,...
 3  68_4.tif  POLYGON ((250020.4746237129 48174.72574336932,...
 4  68_5.tif  POLYGON ((226019.5264973617 38173.0677178388, ...
 # save resulting shapefile

As Spacedman points out, you can also use rasterio

 import rasterio
 df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(columns=['location','geometry'])
 for dir, subdir, files in os.walk(StartDir):
       for fname in files:
         if fname.endswith(".tif"):
            bounds =rasterio.open(os.path.join(dir+"/", fname)).bounds
            df = df.append({'location':fname, 'geometry': box(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3])},ignore_index=True)
  • 1
    Is there a typo in line 2 of your bounds_raster function? rast=gdal.Open(path) then raster.GetGeoTransform()
    – Spacedman
    Commented May 6, 2018 at 14:13
  • The rasterio approach is particularly nice. Thanks to @Spacedman too. FYI, the indentation is off on that portion;)
    – Aaron
    Commented May 6, 2018 at 22:18
  • Think I've fixed the indenting for you.
    – Spacedman
    Commented May 7, 2018 at 9:35

As I understand it, gdaltindex returns a feature for each raster input, as a rectangular polygon of the bounds of each raster. I don't know of a ready plug-in solution for doing gdaltindex in pure python (as opposed to shelling out to run gdaltindex) and I'll assume you've searched for it. The parts to build a solution are available though.

You can use rasterio to read rasters and get the bounds:

>>> r = rasterio.open("mwi_lc_1990.tif")
>>> r.bounds
BoundingBox(left=454965.0, bottom=8094361.0, right=823965.0, top=8974795.0)
>>> r.bounds.left

And then you can use the fiona package to create shapefiles.

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