I am working with decimal-degree coordinates for a software and lack geographic background.
I want to convert the coordinates to a grid to calculate distances and then move around using standard geometry.
The coordinate format is the same used in Google Maps urls (decimal WGS 84) which is not a Cartesian plane.
I am trying to figure out how to calculate the coordinates of intermediate steps when traveling from a point to another with known a speed and start/finish points.
How do I translate a coordinate, given a bearing (in the form of a destination point) by some amount of meters?
Is there an angular equivalent of the line from two points function that I can use to get all the intermediate points?
Update: I am working with city-level distances (~10km max) in Italy. I tried to use Cartesian operations on the WGS 84 coordinates directly: the result in this case is good enough. I lose some millimeters on movements but it does not really matter for my implementation, since in the end the position will be exactly the one I want.
Still, I asked this question in order to comprehend the necessary math operations to translate coordinates either directly or by converting to a 2D plane, doing operations and converting back (without loss of data, possibly).