I have to re-project all Feature classes of a very large .sde. In order to iterate through the whole .sde I'm using arcpy.ListFeatureClasses. Getting all Feature classes into the Feature class list takes about 6 hours. As the Support window is open for a limited time only I would like to generate the Feature class list in advance and save it into a txt in order to be able to directly start the re-projection in the next Support window. I'm exporting and importing the list with pickle (Export and Import are working) but when I try to iterate through the imported pickle list, trying to apply arcpy.describe an error appears saying, that this Feature class does not exist.
How do I have to Export/Import the ListFeatureClasses Output in order to be able to reuse it later on with arcpy.describe?
I'm working with ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.
My Code in the first file to generate the fcList roughly looks like this:
In a Definition:
fcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("%s.*" % (schema))
return fcList
In the Main section:
with open(fcDictPath, "wb") as FCs:
pickle.dump(fcList, FCs)
My Code in the file to perform the re-projection Looks like this:
with open(fcDictPath, "rb") as FCs:
fcList = pickle.load(FCs)
for fc in fcList:
dsc = arcpy.Describe(fcWithoutSchema)