This is my first time trying to use GDAL with java bindings and it's not easy...
- GDAL 2.3.0
- Libraries & java-bindings built on linux
- code on Eclipse with gradle & shared lib ok
Code example :
import org.gdal.gdal.Dataset;
import org.gdal.gdal.gdal;
final Dataset src = gdal.Open("/home/seo/mnt_01-12-2017.asc", gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly);
When i run the code through Eclipse, all i get is :
ERROR 4: `/home/seo/mnt_01-12-2017.asc' not recognized as a supported file format.
If i test this file with gdalinfo, it's good :
Driver: AAIGrid/Arc/Info ASCII Grid Files: /home/seo/mnt_01-12-2017.asc Size is 1318, 1660 [...]
If i open the file with vim :
ncols 1318
nrows 1660
xllcorner 372060.81
yllcorner 320519.071
cellsize 1
nodata_value -9999.0
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If i convert the file with gdal_translate in GeoTiff, i have the same error on eclipse :
ERROR 4: `/home/simon/mnt_01-12-2017.geotiff' not recognized as a supported file format.
Any idea why it's not properly working on my java code ?
Output of gdal.getDriverCount() : 0 We may have a lead !