Following is the code snippet that does not draw both TextSymbols.
private function MapClick(evt:MapMouseEvent):void
var cs:CompositeSymbol = new CompositeSymbol();
var textSymbol1:TextSymbol = new TextSymbol("hello");
textSymbol1.textFormat= new TextFormat("Arial",5);
var textSymbol2:TextSymbol = new TextSymbol("hello 123");
textSymbol1.textFormat= new TextFormat("Arial",10);
var myPolygon:Polygon = new Polygon(
new MapPoint(evt.mapPoint.x+5, evt.mapPoint.y+8),
new MapPoint(evt.mapPoint.x+10, evt.mapPoint.y+12)
]], new SpatialReference(4326));
cs.symbols= [textSymbol1, textSymbol2, new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_BACKWARD_DIAGONAL,0xFF00FF,1)];
var m_graphic:Graphic = new Graphic(myPolygon , cs );
gLayer.add( m_graphic );
TextSymbols accept point geometry and I am assigning them with multipoint geometry I think that is where problem lies. I need to draw TextSymbols all around the polygon so how can I accomplish it. I am using FlexViewer 2.5.
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks