I have a KML file which was created using Google's My Maps.

The original file can be downloaded here: Google My Maps

Using R, I can import this using the "readOGR" function of the rgdal library This brings the KML file in as a SpatialPointsDataFrame (SPDF) - which i am calling asf52

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In this SPDF, the spatial data is contained under @coords and is readily extracted into a dataframe using code like

df  <- data.frame(asf52@coords[,1:2])

However, I am struggling to come up with a way to neatly extract the the non-spatial data - contained under @data$Description - and turn it into a dataframe with a column for each variable.

2 Answers 2


You don't need to call data.frame() around the extract - the @data slot already is a data.frame. Just do

  df <- asf52@data

to pull out a copy. That said, you may be better served by using the newer sf library for this task:

ob_kml <- file.path(getwd(), 'Outbreaks 56 (OIE).kml')    

There is more than one layer in your KML - list them with e.g.


Use read_sf() with the layers argument to choose your point data specifically and read it in. read_sf() defaults to stringsAsFactors = FALSE which may be preferable.

asf_c <- read_sf(ob_kml, layer = 'ASF in China.xlsx')

To get a plain dataframe, just drop the geometry as follows:

asf_c_df <- st_set_geometry(asf_c, NULL)

EDIT: I see your secondary issue now; it looks like neither sf nor sp look at the <ExtendedData> tags that hold the attribute data you want (open the KML in Notepad++ if you want to see what I mean). QGIS does detect and import them as separate attribute columns, so @Jella's advice is sound. I'm not sure if the issue here lies with sf/sp or GDAL, but it may be worth raising an issue of the sf github page.

In the meantime, your instinct to go with tidyr functions is sound, its just a little tricky to get a clean separation. The following looks pretty good:

asf_c_df <- st_set_geometry(asf_c, NULL) %>%
  # remove duplicate <br> tags
  dplyr::mutate(Description = gsub('<br><br>', '<br>', Description)) %>%
  # split on <br>
  tidyr::separate(., col = Description, 
                  into = c('Date', 'Province', 'City', 'County', 'Location', 
                           'Total_herd_size', 'Affected_animals', 'Deaths',
                           'Culled', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Source'), 
                  sep = '<br>') %>%
  # ditch the key: part of key: value
  dplyr::mutate_all(., funs(gsub('^.*: ', '', .))) %>%
  # data type fixes 
  dplyr::mutate_at(vars(7:10), as.integer) %>%
  dplyr::mutate_at(vars(11,12), as.numeric) %>%
  # bonus points: proper dates. First, fix September, then cast to Date datatype
  dplyr::mutate(Date = gsub('Sept', 'Sep', Date),
                Date = as.POSIXct(Date, format = '%b %d, %Y')) %>%
  # double bonus! proper NA for missing data
  dplyr::mutate_if(is.character, funs(ifelse(. == '', NA, .)))
  • 1
    Thank you for your detailed suggestions, all of which I have followed. However, the problem remains in that all the description data is placed into one column. This seems to be a limitation of how both read_sf() and readOGR() are handling the KML file, and thus I will need to wait until this is changed to accommodate this format. In the meantime, I will explore post-import parsing of the column using functions like separate() in the tidyr package. Commented Nov 5, 2018 at 16:02
  • The issue lies in the KML file as all the informatio is stored in the description to show a nice pop-up in a GIS viewer. KML files are not able to store a proper attribute table.
    – Jelle
    Commented Nov 6, 2018 at 10:55
  • Well spotted, @Jelle, the issue is both sp and sf fail to parse the KML structure completely.
    – obrl_soil
    Commented Nov 6, 2018 at 11:43
  • @obrl_soil, When I open the KML file in Google Earth, you get the same issue. So I think it's rather the limitation of (this particular) kml file than an issue with the sp or sf package.
    – Jelle
    Commented Nov 6, 2018 at 11:46
  • @Jelle I'm not so sure - my first instinct was to blame the GDAL kml driver, but QGIS should be using that too, and its doing the right thing...
    – obrl_soil
    Commented Nov 6, 2018 at 11:58

Like what you did with @coords, use asf52@data to extract the non-spatial data through a dataframe. You can call the description column through asf52@data$description

  • Yes this is what I tried, i.e.: df_2 <- data.frame(asf52@data$Description). The code runs, but the result is all the data is put into a single column. Commented Nov 4, 2018 at 21:56
  • You mean both ‘name’ and ‘description’?
    – Jelle
    Commented Nov 4, 2018 at 21:58
  • Yes - both the name and the data are concatenated into a single column. This is the result of running str(df_2): 'data.frame': 52 obs. of 1 variable: $ asf52.data.Description: Factor w/ 52 levels "Date: Aug 1, 2018<br>Province: Liaoning<br>City: Shenyang<br>County: Shenbei New District<br>Location: Shenbei "| truncated,..: 1 12 14 13 15 2 3 5 4 6 ... Commented Nov 4, 2018 at 22:03
  • The data frame returns 1 variable, being $description. What do you see if you observe the data.frame through View(asf52)?
    – Jelle
    Commented Nov 4, 2018 at 22:29
  • All the description data is in one column. If I run 'head(asf52$Description, n=2)' - to show the first two rows - I get: [1] "Date: Aug 1, 2018<br>Province: Liaoning<br>City: Shenyang<br>County: Shenbei New District<br>Location: Shenbei Street<br>Total herd size: 19420<br>Affected animals: 47<br>Deaths: 47<br>Culled: 19373<br>Latitude: 42.0225<br><br>Longitude: 123.2932<br>Source: OIE" [2] "Date: Aug 7, 2018<br>Province: Liaoning<br>City: Shenyang<br>County: Shenbei New District<br>Location: Cailuo Yi Village<br>Total herd size: 160<br>Affected ....... Commented Nov 4, 2018 at 23:55

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