I finally found a way, I scripted my own clustering function in R which works relatively great. The idea is to start from the neighbor list and iteratively make groups. The algorithm looks a little bit like that:
- Make one group
- select first polygon
- find it's neighbors
- group them
- find the neigbors neighbors
- group them
- repeat until target size reach
- Remove all polygons grouped before from the neighbors list
- repeat 1 and 2 until no more polygons are availables
- Fuse the small leftover groups to majors groups
I coded this algorithm in R in the form of 4 functions. They are available on my github. It may not be perfect but it works well enough for my need and I manage to get it to work on a fairly large shape (~13000 polygons). It's weakness are potentially:
- Can produce group of size quite different from target size (e.g. aiming at 1000 finishing qith 1400)
- the shape of the groups are not optimized (like bubble shaped)
Here is the code for the 4 main functions (however, github version is more recent):
## function to make individual groups
make_a_group <- function(neighb_list, gr_size) {
# make first group
gr <- list(gr = c(as.numeric(names(neighb_list)[1]), neighb_list[[1]]),
eval = as.numeric(names(neighb_list)[1]))
nn <- length(gr$gr)
# Until you reach target cluster size, do:
while(nn < gr_size){
# find neighbours to evaluate
to_eval <- gr$gr[!gr$gr %in% gr$eval]
if(length(to_eval)==0) break() # if none, stop
i = 1
nb_to_eval <- length(to_eval)
# and evaluate them sequentially until you did them al or reach target size
while(nn < gr_size & i<=nb_to_eval){
gr$gr <- unique(c(gr$gr, neighb_list[[as.character(to_eval[i])]]))
i = i+1
nn <- length(gr$gr)
# update the info on which polygon was evaluated
gr$eval <- c(gr$eval, to_eval[1:(i-1)])
lapply(gr, sort)
## function that group the leftover polygons
## (sometime, a polygon looses all it's neighbors because they were assign other groups)
group_empty_pol <- function(pol_name, neighb_list, the_groups){
# find the original neighbors of this polygon
all_ne <-neighb_list[[pol_name]]
# Find the group which has the most polygons in common with its neighbors
better_gr <- which.max(sapply(the_groups, function(xx) sum(xx %in% all_ne)))
# add him to the group
the_groups[[better_gr]] <- sort(c(as.numeric(pol_name), the_groups[[better_gr]]))
## Function to split the whole shape in groups from neighbours list
cluster_neighbours <- function(neighb_list, gr_size){
# initialize object
ll_group <- list()
neighb_temp <- neighb_list
# until all are neighbors list is empty, do:
# Make a group
res1 <- make_a_group(neighb_list = neighb_temp, gr_size = gr_size)
# save the group
ll_group <- append(ll_group, list(res1$gr))
# Remove from neighbor list all polygons from the just made group
neighb_temp <- neighb_temp[!names(neighb_temp)%in%as.character(res1$gr)] %>%
lapply(function(xx) xx[!xx%in%res1$gr]) # remove the used neighbors from neighbor list of left neighbors
## managing polygons with no more neighbors
lost_all_neighb <- neighb_temp[sapply(neighb_temp, length)==0] %>% names
# if some polygons lost all their neighbors, do:
for(i in 1:length(lost_all_neighb)){
#assign the lonely polygon to a group
ll_group <- group_empty_pol(pol_name = lost_all_neighb[i], neighb_list = neighb_list, the_groups = ll_group)
# Remove it from the neighbor list
neighb_temp <- neighb_temp[!names(neighb_temp)%in%lost_all_neighb[i]] %>%
lapply(function(xx) xx[!xx%in%as.numeric(lost_all_neighb[i])])
## final grouping of tiny groups
## (sometime, some tiny groups are left, we want to fuse them to bigger ones)
fuse_tiny_group <- function(initial_gr, init_sh, hard_min_size){
# initialize data
initial_gr <- initial_gr %>%
# assign good group to polygon, and dissolve the shape by group
sh_with_gr <- bind_cols(init_sh,
do.call("rbind", mapply(function(gr, index) cbind(index, gr),1:length(initial_gr), initial_gr)) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
) %>%
select(gr) %>%
mutate(gr = as.character(gr)) %>%
group_by(gr) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
# Calculate new neighbors
adj_gr <- sh_with_gr %>%
st_touches() %>%
# find the small groups that are not island (which cannot be group to anything)
small_gr <- sh_with_gr$gr[sh_with_gr$n<hard_min_size]
not_island <- names(adj_gr)[sapply(adj_gr, length)!=0]
small_gr <- intersect(small_gr, not_island)
# for every small group, fuse it with the smaller number of polygons
for(igr in small_gr) {
groups_close_by <- adj_gr[[igr]]
group_selected <- initial_gr %>%
subset(.,names(.)%in%groups_close_by) %>%
sapply(length) %>%
sort() %>%
names %>%
initial_gr[[group_selected]] <- sort(c(initial_gr[[group_selected]], initial_gr[[igr]]))
initial_gr[[igr]] <- NULL
And here is a example to use it:
DA <- st_read("C:/Users/DXD9163/Desktop/DA_regrouping/DA_CAN_2016_reduced.shp", stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
DA_qc <- DA[grepl("Quebec",DA$PRNAME),]
DA_qc$area <- st_area(DA_qc)
DA_qc <- DA_qc %>%
group_by(DAUID) %>%
neighb <- st_touches(DA_qc, sparse = T) %>%
gr1 <- cluster_neighbours(neighb_list = neighb, gr_size = 1000)
sapply(gr1, length)
final_group <- fuse_tiny_group(initial_gr = gr1, init_sh = DA_qc, hard_min_size = 400)
do.call("rbind", mapply(function(gr, index) cbind(index, gr),1:length(final_group), final_group)) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
) %>%
select(gr) %>%
mutate(gr = as.character(gr)) %>%
Which gives:
and zoomed:
tag, that can be confusing. Should I remove them?