I have a button in a QGIS (3.4.1) plugin that should: create a new project; set it's CRS to EPSG:4326', then import various maps.

However, when I run it for the first time after QGIS has loaded, the maps are show with their own CRS of EPSG:3857(confirmed in the bottom right of the GUI). If I click the button a second time/run the code again, the maps are shown in the intended CRS of EPSG:4326 (again, confirmed in the bottom right).

The minimum code I can find to replicate the behavior is below:

    # Create new project
    project = QgsProject.instance()

    # Create map tile layer (which by default uses EPSG:3857)
    map_uri = 'type=xyz&url=http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
    raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(map_uri, 'openstreetmap.org', 'wms')
    if raster_layer.isValid():

    # Set CRS to EPSG:4326

Copy/pasting into the Python console seems to have the same results (i.e. first time after QGIS has loaded it doesn't work, second time it does).

Is this a bug in QGIS?

Can anyone propose a workaround?

  • Very helpful on both the question and answer sides, thanks!
    – Damien
    Commented Mar 21, 2023 at 9:07

1 Answer 1


EDIT: So it turns out using QApplication.instance().processEvents() could well be dangerous (and quite possibly evil!)

It seems using QTimer.singleShot() is a better approach.

As such, I adopted my code below, which now works as expected.

def reset_and_load()
    # Create new project
    project = QgsProject.instance()

    # Create map tile layer (which by default uses EPSG:3857)
    map_uri = 'type=xyz&url=http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
    raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(map_uri, 'openstreetmap.org', 'wms')
    if raster_layer.isValid():

    # Call QTimer with 10ms delay (adjust to suit) to set CRS
    QTimer.singleShot(10, set_project_crs)

def set_project_crs():
    # Set CRS to EPSG:4326

For further reading see also the GIS answer here, and comments here.

Warning: Answer/code below is being left because it works, though could be dangerous - see edit above

Thanks to the related section, I came across @Kezhas answer here - who seemed to be suffering experiencing the same issue as me.

Essentially a QApplication.instance().processEvents() is required after adding the layer (and before setting the CRS), as follows:

# Create new project
project = QgsProject.instance()

# Create map tile layer (which by default uses EPSG:3857)
map_uri = 'type=xyz&url=http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(map_uri, 'openstreetmap.org', 'wms')
if raster_layer.isValid():

# Process events before setting CRS - Use at own risk (see above)!

# Set CRS to EPSG:4326

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