I would like to use two layers (units, calls) over the streets base map.

I have a timer loop that runs every 30 seconds and I would like to clear the units layer, then add the new unit markers to the unit layer.

  var units = new Graphic();  // graphic with units
  var calls = new Graphic();  // graphic with calls

  map = new Map({
    basemap: "streets-navigation-vector"

  view = new MapView({
    container: "viewDiv",
    map: map,
    zoom: 12,
    center: {
      latitude: 38.8935,
      longitude: -77.0487

  var unitsLayer = new GraphicsLayer({
    graphics: [units]

  var callsLayer = new GraphicsLayer({
    graphics: [calls]

  • Question 1) How do I clear a layer of markers without effecting the other layers?
  • Question 2) How do I add a marker to the units layer at run time?

1 Answer 1


To remove all the graphics from a GraphicsLayer, call removeAll():


To add a marker to a Graphics Layer, first create a Graphic. Then call:

unitsLayer.add(g); // (where "g" is that graphic you just created

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