I am trying to load this query result using PostGIS 2.5 connection in QGIS 3.4, QGIS 2.18.
SELECT ST_VoronoiPolygons(geom) As geom FROM (SELECT 'MULTIPOINT (50 30, 60 30, 100 100,10 150, 110 120)'::geometry As geom ) As g;
Getting the error of the vector layer GeometryCollection result as Raster Layer in QGIS.
Results =>
I have tried these PostGIS functions to verify results,
I have also applied ST_AsGeoJSON and ST_AsText, results is GeometryCollection, and valid.
I have imported the GeoJSON in, it's okay.
After extracting/dumping the Features from GeometryCollection with following functions it's working fine.
- ST_CollectionExtract with Polygon selection.
- ST_Dump.
Why QGIS Load GeometryCollection vector query result as a raster layer? Is there any method available under QGIS to load GeometryCollection?