I am using Google Earth Engine Python API to claculate NDVI and Export the result in Google Drive / Google Cloud storage (bucket). I am using the following code to export data to Cloud

task = Export.map.toCloudStorage(
    image = toexport,
    #image = SAVI.visualize({min:0, max:255}),
    description = 'Automation',
    scale = 20,
    bucket = 'gisagnext',
    #fileNamePrefix = 'Automation',
    #path = 'savi/',
    path = 'clip/',
    #path = 'ndvi',
    fileFormat = 'png',
    writePublicTiles = 'true',
    maxZoom = 14,
    minZoom = 4,
    #scale = 20,
    #region = row
    region = geometry1

Now I want to track back the exact time duration of sending data to Google Cloud in Python API.

1 Answer 1


You can monitor any batch task by periodically querying the task status. Below is an example, similar to the code in your question.

Setup some example data:

# Define an example image.
my_image = ee.Image("CGIAR/SRTM90_V4")
toexport = my_image.visualize(**{ 'min': 1000, 'max': 3000 })

# Define an export region.
region = ee.Geometry.Point(-112.1401, 36.0589).buffer(10000).bounds()
geometry1 = region.getInfo()['coordinates']

Initiate the task:

task = ee.batch.Export.map.toCloudStorage(
  description = 'Automation',
  scale = 20,
  bucket = 'my-bucket-name',
  path = 'test_export_map/',
  fileFormat = 'png',
  writePublicTiles = 'true',

Periodically poll the task status, until it is no longer running:

# Monitor the task.
while task.status()['state'] in ['READY', 'RUNNING']:

For more information, see the Task object's status method.

  • Thanks, but is it possible without tracking?
    – Avik Betal
    Commented Jan 25, 2019 at 13:14

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