I am using Google Earth Engine Python API to claculate NDVI and Export the result in Google Drive / Google Cloud storage (bucket). I am using the following code to export data to Cloud
task = Export.map.toCloudStorage(
image = toexport,
#image = SAVI.visualize({min:0, max:255}),
description = 'Automation',
scale = 20,
bucket = 'gisagnext',
#fileNamePrefix = 'Automation',
#path = 'savi/',
path = 'clip/',
#path = 'ndvi',
fileFormat = 'png',
writePublicTiles = 'true',
maxZoom = 14,
minZoom = 4,
#scale = 20,
#region = row
region = geometry1
Now I want to track back the exact time duration of sending data to Google Cloud in Python API.