I'm attempting to query a polyline layer using the ArcGIS Javascript API I all ready have a lot of experience doing this with Point layers. So I set my Polyline layer up the same way and stopped and started my service again to get every thing going. When I run the query (specifically when I run PolylineQueryTask.execute()) I get an error that just says the operation can't be completed. There is some code below that shows how I'm setting my query layer up. Any ideas on what I can do to fix this issue or things I should try?
PolylineQueryTask = new esri.tasks.QueryTask("http://" + DomainAddress + "/ArcGIS/rest/services/SNND/MapServer/1");
PolylineQuery = new esri.tasks.Query();
PolylineQuery.returnGeometry = true;
PolylineQuery.outFields = ["ObjID"];
PolylineQuery.where = 'where 1 = 1';
PolylineQueryTask.execute(PolylineQuery, ShowPolylineResults, FatlError);
So as you can see from my code I should be getting all my polylines back. Any thoughts are very appreciated.