I've got a CSV file with a column containing LINESTRINGs that looks something like this:
1,"LINESTRING(20.331 54.33, 21.67 44.89, 12.67 13.5679)",2014-03-09 13:30:33,2014-03-09 13:31:33
2,"LINESTRING(25.331 14.33, 41.67 44.119, 15.67 23.5679, 34.55 48.11)",2014-03-10 13:30:33,2014-03-10 13:31:33
1,"LINESTRING(21.331 51.33, 11.67 44.32, 32.67 13.59)",2014-03-22 13:30:33,2014-03-23 13:31:33
5,"LINESTRING(10.331 24.22, 23.37 34.89, 22.17 12.29)",2014-03-24 13:30:33,2014-03-24 13:31:33
I created a table in pgAdmin 4 looking like this:
CREATE TABLE linestringtest (participant integer, geom geometry, startt time without time zone, endt time without time zone);
I now wanted to copy/import the CSV data, using the pgAdmin GUI, into the table but it doesn't work. I tried everything. Do I have to convert my linestrings into binary system first and if so how does it work?