I have a shapefile with lines (a road network) and I want to intersect it over a polygon layer in order to finally have a polygon layer (each cell has an ID number) with the intersected lines for each ID.
The shapefile with lines has pollutant emission values (CO etc) (in grams). Before the intersection I calculate a new value (value/$length). See the image (for the selected line CO=6662940.61gr):
In the intersected file, in order to calculate the new total value C (in grams) for each grid cell, I sum up the values e.g. CO of each grid cell and multiply with the new length containing in each grid cell. The final result is not correct. I get a higher or lower value in the intersected file comparing to the original one. See the following images For the corresponding line (within two grid cells) I get CO=1568950+4724202=6293153.12gr):
For the whole grid the difference is much higher, I get almost the double values for the intersected file.
Any idea of what could be wrong? Is it right to perform this kind of intersection when working with lines or not?