Here is a different method to split a MultiLineZM
by several points at once. Unfortunately I was not able to find a method that also works fine in not-projected crs'. So make sure to run this on layers with units meters. I guess lineLocatePoint()
as well as every other method of QgsGeometry
to find nearby points just gets confused with degrees.
Basically its searching for the nearest points by using a spatial index and interpolates a point along the line, which is next to the nearest point. Since we dont know the order of the nearest points along the line yet, we store it in a dictionary and sort it. Then we iterate over the sorted dictionary and densify the line with the interpolated points. We need to do this, because afterwards we will iterate over the new parts we want to keep and delete everything else of the line. Why? Because this way its a lot easier to keep gaps in multi line strings. The only thing I am not absolutely sure about is, whether the spatial index always returns the correct nearest neighbors when we feed it with PointZ's and not PointXY's. Seems like the answewr is no.
Here is the example code with an attempt of explanations in the comments:
lyr_line = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName('linez')[0]
lyr_point = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName('pointz')[0]
max_dist = 2500
idx_point = QgsSpatialIndex(lyr_point.getFeatures(), flags=QgsSpatialIndex.FlagStoreFeatureGeometries)
for feat_line in lyr_line.getFeatures():
vertices_dict = {}
line_geom = feat_line.geometry()
# get the nearest points
nearest_point_ids = idx_point.nearestNeighbor(feat_line.geometry(),-1,max_dist) # int
for nearest_point_id in nearest_point_ids:
nearest_point_geom = idx_point.geometry(nearest_point_id)
# get the distance along the line to the point
dist_along_line = line_geom.lineLocatePoint(nearest_point_geom)
# interpolate a point at that distance
point_on_line = line_geom.interpolate(dist_along_line)
# get the vertex id after the interpolated point
vertex_after_id = line_geom.constGet().closestSegment(point_on_line.vertices().next(),10)[2]
# get the vertex index from the vertex id
vertex_after_nr_new = line_geom.vertexNrFromVertexId(vertex_after_id)
# add the distance from the line part as key to a dictionary. We will use the distance from start as sorting criteria afterwards
# add the interpolated point and the vertex index as values
# use try/except in case there is more than one point at the same distance
vertices_dict[dist_along_line] = [point_on_line,vertex_after_nr_new]
# sort the dictionary by distance from line start, so we dont get confused where to insert the new vertices
vertices_dict = dict(sorted(vertices_dict.items()))
from_to_list = []
# insert vertices at the distances to densify the line
densified_geom = feat_line.geometry()
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(vertices_dict.items()):
v[1] += i # count up the vertex index, where we want to insert the new vertex
# get the index of the last vertex and add indices 0 and last to a list
max_vert = densified_geom.constGet().nCoordinates() - 1
# from_to_list contains the vertex indices we build our new lines from and to
for from_to_index, from_to_value in enumerate(from_to_list):
if from_to_value == max_vert:
from_vert = from_to_value
to_vert = from_to_list[from_to_index+1]
except IndexError:
to_vert = densified_geom.constGet().nCoordinates() - 1
print('Build line from ',str(from_vert),' to ',str(to_vert))
# create a deepcopy of the geometry we can safely modify
new_geom = QgsGeometry(densified_geom.constGet().clone())
# create a list of the vertices that shall not get deleted
keep_vert_index = list(range(from_vert,to_vert+1))
vertices_deleted = 0
del_vert = 0
# delete index 0 as long as we dont get to the part we do not want to delete
# then delete the first index after the wart we want to keeep until the rest of the line is deleted
for vert_index in range(0,densified_geom.constGet().nCoordinates()):
if vert_index in keep_vert_index:
del_vert += 1 # count up the delete index
# if the second last vertex of a part gets deleted, two vertices are deleted at the same time
# because there is no response about this, we need to somehow figure out when that happened
del_diff = densified_geom.constGet().nCoordinates() - (new_geom.constGet().nCoordinates() + vertices_deleted)
if del_diff > 0:
vertices_deleted += 1
# finally delete the vertex at index
vertices_deleted += 1
# debug
print('vert_index: ',str(vert_index),
' del_vert: ',str(del_vert),
' diff: ',str(del_diff),
' vertices_deleted: ',str(vertices_deleted)
# clean up the geometry we created
remove_parts = []
for k, part in enumerate(
if part.length() == 0:
# iterate in reverse so we dont mess with part indices
for k in reversed(remove_parts):
# do whatever with the line part; add it to a layer or just print it
You can find a full implementation of this method in this algorithm. And why not using QgsGeometry().splitGeometry()
? Thats because this method takes a list of points as input and not a geometry, so we can only have one huge split line, because we have multiple split points. Means we have no control over possible gaps in the split-line. This may result in unwanted split locations of the line due to unwanted crossings of the split line. It can also not be done one by one because we want to use multiple split points at once to cut the line into pieces.