I have ImageCollection. composed of satellite images which shows Zebras on grasslands. The location of each zebra is stored within a point shapefile, which I uploaded as a "table" into Earth Engine.
I wish to extract the pixel values under each point within the shapefile (i.e. the pixel values for each zebra) and then run a supervised classification to detect the zebras.
When I try to run the code on my ImageCollection, this is the error that is returned:
table2 = ee.FeatureCollection("users/example/abc..."),
imageCollection = ee.ImageCollection("users/example/wsx...")
// Load training polygons from a Fusion Table.
// The 'class' property stores known class labels.
var polygons = ee.FeatureCollection(table2);
// Get the values for all pixels in each polygon in the training.
var training = imageCollection.sampleRegions({
// Get the sample from the polygons FeatureCollection.
collection: polygons,
// Keep this list of properties from the polygons.
properties: ['class'],
// Set the scale to get Landsat pixels in the polygons.
scale: 30
imageCollection.sampleRegions is not a function