Forgive me if this is a duplicate, but I am having trouble getting LASTools to run in QGIS 3.6.3 after following the installation instructions and searching on Stack Exchange.

I have installed the LASTools plugin in QGIS and set the path from the Options menu to my LASTools extracted folder. I've tried several locations all with no luck. For information, I have tested the paths in Finder, which seems to navigate fine.

Here is my output when running LASTools:

LAStools command line
/Applications/QGIS3.6.app/Contents/Resources/LAStools/bin/lasclassify -i "/Volumes/My Book/Photos/CNPS los osos map/osos.las"

LAStools console output
/bin/sh: /Applications/QGIS3.6.app/Contents/Resources/LAStools/bin/lasclassify: No such file or directory

Am I missing something?



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