I want to create an age building map of my home city. I made decision to follow this tutorial: https://www.wired.com/2013/10/how-to-map-building-ages-in-your-home-town/.
Building footprint shapefile for my city was not placed in open sources and I tried to use OpenStreetMap data. Via the OSM Downloader plugin I downloaded the multipolygons, filtered buildings, added required attributes and saved a shapefile.
I uploaded this file to this page to convert it to a Mapbox Studio tileset (a zip archive with files .shp, .shx, .dbf, .prj
). I am seeing error Invalid zipfile
(and no more information).
I reprojected layer to EPGS:3857
, changed type of this layer to tile
, converted geometry to the singlepart but this error still showing.
Trying to use other formats (i. e., kml
) I get a tileset in Studio but my attributes were deleted.
How to fix this error? I use QGIS 3.8.0 (Zanzibar)