I am the owner/administrator of an arcgis.com web map containing feature points with pop-ups. How do I disable the editing option from the pop-up window? (see image below)
I unchecked attribute editing in the Configure pane (below), but no success.
I couldn't find an answer in the ArcGIS Online help pages...
I finally found ESRI help at https://doc.arcgis.com/en/arcgis-online/create-maps/disable-editing.htm
Here are the pertinent instructions from that web page:
- Verify that you are signed in and open the map in Map Viewer.
- Click Details and click Contents.
- Browse to the editable feature layer, click the More Options button More Options, and click Disable Editing.
But when I follow these steps, there's no Disable Editing option:
I'm still unable to disable the editing option...
Following Colin Lang's kind input (below)...
Apparently I don't have any Feature Layers. What I have are Web Maps containing layers that I downloaded from my local computer (as zipped shapefiles) to the web map I was creating in Arcgis.com, as shown here:
When I filter for Feature Layers, as Colin suggests, nothing is returned:
In summary, I'm still stuck with the original problem: How to disable the edit option in my web maps and web applications?