I am working on QGis with a shapefile with an attribute table, I have created this shapefile through "Vector->Analysis tools->Count Points in Polygon", so this new shapefile got the count in the attribute table.
I want to convert now this shapefile to a "heatmap" in raster format.
I am trying to do it with "Raster->Conversion->Rasterize", burning the values of the attribute table
In those polygons with number=0 QGIS doesn't draw the polygons in the raster.
I would like to get all those polygons filled in the raster, I know I could erase all those polygons in the attribute table with data, then change all the 0s to 1, and then rasterize it, merging both rasters (the original with empty polygons and the new one with only the "empty" polygons filled). I think this is just too tricky .
Is there any other solution?