I got 4 band RGBIs and I need to transform them to 3 band in order to be able to use them in Agisoft Metashape.
I didn't find a way to delete the 4th band (NIR), so I created 3 new images (each containing 1 band) by using the raster calculator. Afterwards I merged them. As result I got a image with 3 bands, but the first band always gets "gray" in brackets. And when I export them the outcome is a white picture.

1 Answer 1


Rearrange bands tool (QGIS version 3.4 +) can delete the 4th band easily.

enter image description here

  1. Go to the Processing Toolbox: GDAL > Raster conversion and start Rearrange bands tool.
  2. Select your multiband (RGBI) raster as the Input layer.
  3. Click on a small three-dots icon at the right of Selected band(s) option.
  4. Select first three bands (Bands 1, 2, 3) and hit OK, then Run to start the process.

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