I want to make dynamic filter on Leaflet, but I got a little problem. so first this my dropdown:

<select id="selc">
<option value="baik">baik</option>
<option value="sedang">sedang</option>
<option value="berat">berat</option>

and this my filter:

filter: function(feature, layer) {   
    $asa = $this->db->query("SELECT du_kode,du_kondisi FROM data_umum inner join data_umum_head on data_umum.duh_id=data_umum_head.duh_id where data_umum_head.maplink_id = '$ml->maplink_id'")->result();
    foreach($asa as $dew){ ?>
        woe = <?= $dew->du_kode?>;
        wawa = '<?= $dew->du_kondisi?>';

        $('#selc').on('change', function() {                         
        if(wawa == $('#selc').val()){
            return (feature.properties.ID)
<?php } ?>

My problem is why my on.change is not working to return (feature.properties.ID)

enter image description here

but if I do manually and change the code like this

filter: function(feature, layer) {   
    $asa = $this->db->query("
    SELECT du_kode,du_kondisi FROM data_umum 
    inner join data_umum_head on 
    data_umum.duh_id=data_umum_head.duh_id where 
    data_umum_head.maplink_id = '$ml->maplink_id'")->result();
                        foreach($asa as $dew){ ?>
                            woe = '<?= $dew->du_kode?>';
                                wawa = '<?= $dew->du_kondisi?>';
                                /*$('#selc').on('change', function() {
                                    if(wawa == $('#selc').val()){
                                        return (feature.properties.ID)
                                if(wawa == 'berat'){
                                    return (feature.properties.ID)


                        <?php } ?>

and my results be like this enter image description here

This is the result I expected, but how can I use it with onchange?

1 Answer 1


If you look in the Leaflet documentation https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.5.0.html#geojson, you will se the following remark for the filter option of L.geoJSON layer creation method:

Note: dynamically changing the filter option will have effect only on newly added data. It will not re-evaluate already included features.

  • I only want to create a filter using the select option, so if I choose A, then B, C, and others must be hidden
    – AdityaDees
    Commented Nov 15, 2019 at 14:44
  • You can create a featurelayer and when the control changes clearlayer, and add the new data to the featurelayer. Something .like this gistechsolutions.com/leaflet/DEMO/filter/filter.html Commented Nov 15, 2019 at 15:24
  • 1
    Question was about filter not working and this question was answered. If you have another question of how to do it without filter, then put up a new question.
    – TomazicM
    Commented Nov 15, 2019 at 16:32

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